Modules related to the transformations framework.
All transformations should be imported here so that they are automatically added to the transformations registry.
- bitfount.transformations.base_transformation - Contains the base abstract class for all transformations.
- bitfount.transformations.batch_operations - Operations done at batch time defined here.
- bitfount.transformations.binary_operations - Binary (two reference arguments) transformations.
- bitfount.transformations.dataset_operations - Dataset-related transformations.
- bitfount.transformations.exceptions - Exceptions related to the transformations package.
- bitfount.transformations.parser - Parsing functionaity for Transformation instances.
- bitfount.transformations.processor - Classes for dealing with Transformation Processing.
- bitfount.transformations.references - References and constants for transformations.
- bitfount.transformations.unary_operations - Unary (one reference argument) transformations.
- bitfount.transformations.utils - Utility classes and functions related to Transformations.