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Classes for splitting data.



class DatasetSplitter():

Parent class for different types of dataset splits.


Static methods

def create(    splitter_name: str, **kwargs: Any,)> DatasetSplitter:

Create a DataSplitter of the requested type.

def splitter_name()> str:

Returns string name for splitter type.


def create_dataset_splits(    self, data: pd.DataFrame,)> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:

Returns indices for data sets.

def get_split_query(self, datasource: DatabaseSource, split: DataSplit)> str:

Modifies the loader SQL query to return a split of the data.


  • loader: A DatabaseLoader object.
  • split: The relevant split to return from the query.

Returns The modified SQL query.


class PercentageSplitter(    validation_percentage: int = 10,    test_percentage: int = 10,    time_series_sort_by: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,):

Splits data into sets based on percentages.

The default split is 80% of the data is used training, and 10% for each validation and testing, respectively.


  • validation_percentage: The percentage of data to be used for validation. Defaults to 10.
  • test_percentage: The percentage of data to be used for testing. Defaults to 10.
  • time_series_sort_by: A string/list of strings to be used for sorting time series. The strings should correspond to feature names from the dataset. This sorts the dataframe by the values of those features ensuring the validation and test sets come after the training set data to remove potential bias during training and evaluation. Defaults to None.

Static methods

def splitter_name()> str:

Class method for splitter name.

Returns The string name for splitter type.


def create_dataset_splits(    self, data: pd.DataFrame,)> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:

Create splits in dataset for training, validation and test sets.


  • data: The dataframe type object to be split.

Returns A tuple of arrays, each containing the indices from the data to be used for training, validation, and testing, respectively.

def get_split_query(self, datasource: DatabaseSource, split: DataSplit)> str:

Modifies the loader SQL query to return a split of the data.


  • loader: A DatabaseLoader object.
  • split: The relevant split to return from the query.

Returns The modified SQL query.


This method will only work for databases that support the LIMIT ... OFFSET syntax. Notably, Microsoft SQL Server does not support this syntax.


It is strongly recommended that you sort the data as part of the SQL query in order to ensure the splits are random. This is because for iterable datasets, the splits are simply taken in order from TRAIN to TEST.

Similarly, time_series_sort_by is ignored and a warning logged if True. If you want to sort by time series, you should do this as part of the SQL Query.


  • static test_percentage : int
  • static time_series_sort_by : Union[List[str], str, None]
  • static validation_percentage : int


class SplitterDefinedInData(    column_name: str = 'BITFOUNT_SPLIT_CATEGORY',    training_set_label: str = 'TRAIN',    validation_set_label: str = 'VALIDATE',    test_set_label: str = 'TEST',):

Splits data into sets based on value in each row.

The splitting is done based on the values in a user specified column.


  • column_name: The column name for which contains the labels for splitting. Defaults to "BITFOUNT_SPLIT_CATEGORY".
  • training_set_label: The label for the data points to be included in the training set. Defaults to "TRAIN".
  • validation_set_label: The label for the data points to be included in the validation set. Defaults to "VALIDATE".
  • test_set_label: The label for the data points to be included in the test set. Defaults to "TEST".

Static methods

def splitter_name()> str:

Class method for splitter name.

Returns The string name for splitter type.


def create_dataset_splits(    self, data: pd.DataFrame,)> Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:

Create splits in dataset for training, validation and test sets.


  • data: The dataframe type object to be split.

Returns A tuple of arrays, each containing the indices from the data to be used for training, validation, and testing, respectively.


  • static column_name : str
  • static test_set_label : str
  • static training_set_label : str
  • static validation_set_label : str