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References to custom models.



class BitfountModelReference(    model_ref: Union[Path, str],    datastructure: DataStructure,    model_version: Optional[int] = None,    schema: Optional[BitfountSchema] = None,    username: Optional[str] = None,    hub: Optional[BitfountHub] = None,    hyperparameters: Optional[_StrAnyDict] = None,):

Describes a local or remote reference to a BitfountModel class.


  • model_ref: Either path to model file or name of model on hub.
  • datastructure: DataStructure to be passed to the model when initialised.
  • model_version: The version of the model you wish to use. Defaults to latest version.
  • schema: BitfountSchema to be passed to the model when initialised.
  • username: The username of the model owner. Defaults to bitfount session username if not provided.
  • hub: Required for upload/download of model. This attribute is set after initialisation on the worker side as the hub is not serialized. Defaults to None.
  • hyperparameters: Hyperparameters to be passed to the model constructor after it has been loaded from file or hub. Defaults to None.


  • ValueError: If username is not provided and hub is not provided.

To use another user's custom model, simply provide that user's username instead of your own (along with the name of the model as the model_ref argument).


  • bitfount.models.base_models._BaseModelRegistryMixIn
  • bitfount.types._BaseSerializableObjectMixIn


def get_model(self)> Type[BitfountModel]:

Gets the model referenced.

If the model is a Path to a BitfountModel, it will upload it to BitfountHub and return the model class. If it is a name of a model on the hub, it will download the model from the hub and return the model class.

Returns The model class.


  • TypeError: If the model is not a Path or a string.
  • TypeError: If the model does not implement DistributedModelProtocol.
  • ValueError: If a BitfountHub instance has not been provided or if there was a communication error with the hub.


  • static nested_fields : ClassVar[Dict[str, Mapping[str, Any]]]