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For Data Custodians

Once you’ve installed Bitfount, you must connect the data to which you wish to enable access to the platform. The guides in this section are intended to help Data Custodians make datasets available for analysis. The basic steps are:

  1. Prepare Data: Ensure your data meets the required format specifications prior to Pod creation. See Preparing to Connect Data.
  2. Create a Pod (or several): Data must be connected to a Pod for it to be analysed. The simplest way to create a Pod is to generate a yaml config file for a dataset contained in a .csv file. See sample text below. a. Once generated, create the Pod by executing: python bitfount run_pod <path_to_config.yaml> b. For more detailed instructions and formatting requirements, see Connecting Data & Running Pods.
  3. Authorise Pod(s): Manage who has access to your data for which purposes from “My Pods” in Bitfount Hub. See Authorising Pods for more details.

Once you’ve completed this process, you or your partners are ready to analyse your data!

Have questions? Check out our Troubleshooting & FAQs page or reach out to us in our community Slack channel.

Sample YAML File

#Enter your desired parameters and remove brackets and arrows prior to running a pod.pod_name: [<DESIRED POD IDENTIFIER>]pod_details:    display_name: [<NAME OF POD FOR USE IN THE HUB>]    description: [<DESCRIPTION OF POD CONTENTS FOR USE IN THE HUB>]datasource: CSVSourcedata_config:    ignore_cols: [<COLUMNS TO IGNORE>]    datasource_args:        path: <PATH TO CSV>/<file_name>.csv